Bases for HQ figures

Posted by Nuadha Nuadha
Does anyone know of a good place to find bases you can glue miniatures on to that would match the molded on HQ bases?   I would like to rebase my Warhammer Quest and AHQ figures to match.


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Sjeng Sjeng
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Re: Bases for HQ figures

I think you already asked that here. And I don't know...
Eager HeroQuest newbie since july 2011 :D
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Re: Bases for HQ figures

In reply to this post by Nuadha
I have made a lot of bases for slotta figures from Chip board & Plywood. Just mark out the size you want, and cut out with a hacksaw, cleaning up with sandpaper. May not be "cool", but it works.
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Re: Bases for HQ figures

In reply to this post by Nuadha
Unlike some games, the size and shape of bases in HQ doesn't really matter. Personally I'd be inclined to rebase with 25mm square bases (since it is a game that uses squares), or retain the WHFB standards so pieces can be used for both.

That said, my "house rule" is that all measurements for movement/shooter are from the base centre, allowing figures from various games to be used together without unfair advantage.

To your question. I have some blank plastic cards used for making identity swipe cards. These (or similar) could be cut to size and one piece glued on top of  a slightly larger bit to create the slight stepped effect HQ bases have....

Model shops should have suitable thicknesses of plastic card you can use, or go through the bin and see if there is household packaging such as old shampoo bottles, plastic milk cartons etc that you can use.
guzzi guzzi
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Re: Bases for HQ figures

Uncle Phil is right, of course, if you want to stick to plastic. There used to be stuff called "Plasticard" in model shops, different colours & thicknesses. Good effect with the double layer.
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uncle phil uncle phil
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Re: Bases for HQ figures

Hmm -what can you use other than plastic?

I guess you could cut a base from a HQ figure, file the top smooth and then use it to create a mould? I'm sure someone will recommend suitable materials -the only molding I have done is with friendly plastic and greenstuff.
Nuadha Nuadha
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Re: Bases for HQ figures

I was starting to think I'd need to make a mold, but I found the perfect bases.   I stopped in to Michigan Toy Soldier this afternoon (plugging one of my favorite shops....)  and they had a package of based by Victrix that were square with rounded corners.    They are a bit smaller, but smaller is fine.    My main problem with the WHQ bases were they were too large.
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: Bases for HQ figures

In reply to this post by Nuadha
Personally I'm going in the other direction with my HeroQuest miniatures bases (re-basing them on 'standard' 25mm round bases)

PS I moved your first post (and this one) to the Miniatures Discussion page as it is about purchasing miniatures, well their bases at least
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
Nuadha Nuadha
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Re: Bases for HQ figures

In reply to this post by Nuadha
I figured out what happened after a little confusion.   "Why do my posts keep disappearing!?"

Here's a picture of a couple Orcs on the Victrix bases next to a Heroquest Orc.
Sjeng Sjeng
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Re: Bases for HQ figures

That's a cool bookcase you have there!

You mean these bases? Look great for HQ use.
Eager HeroQuest newbie since july 2011 :D
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Nuadha Nuadha
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Re: Bases for HQ figures

In reply to this post by Nuadha
They are working perfectly!   I am in the midst of rebasing all my figures to them.   I also glue magnet sheets to the bases to stick my figures to cookie sheets for transport and the flat bottom of these (compared to the concave bottom of the GW 20mm squares) gives plenty of surface for the magnet to stick to.

I want my bases to be as small as possible generally and still be able to stand up.  The reason for this is the small squares on my Heroquest board and Adv. Heroquest tiles.     With the 25mm squares they overlap their squares.
Sjeng Sjeng
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Re: Bases for HQ figures

In reply to this post by Nuadha
I also found a shop that has relatively cheap magnetic bases! Great for storing/transporting them. Just place them on a thin metal (oven) sheet!
They come in all sizes, with or without slots.
Don't know if they would stay in place if you placed ovensheets under the HQ board, but it might be worth a try.
Eager HeroQuest newbie since july 2011 :D
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Nuadha Nuadha
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Re: Bases for HQ figures

In reply to this post by Nuadha
I am considering using a could flat pieces of metal from the hardware store when I first started with the idea of magnetizing my figure bases and getting a color copy of the heroquest board and glueing it to a metal sheet.    That should do the trick.     However, I don't have that much of a problem with the figs moving a little in game.    It is storage and transport that has really been a problem.   Now, I but cookie sheets in shallow boxes and stick all my figures to them.

The Victrix bases combined with magnets that I buy at an office supply shop (and were designed to stick to the back of business cards) has been a much cheaper option for me.   I have seen the gf9 magnet bases and they are pretty expensive.      

I get 100 magnets for US$20 and when I cut them up I usually get enough to magnetize 8-10 guys per magnet.    So it is only costing me pennies to magnetize the Victrix bases and they work really well.
Nuadha Nuadha
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Re: Bases for HQ figures

In reply to this post by Nuadha
Actually the GF9 are cheaper at their store than I have seen them locally.   36 for $10 is not too bad.     The Victrix + cheap magnets is still working out a bit better, but I do like the idea of using the GF9 ones for ease of use since I have to cut and trim all the magnets to my bases.
Sjeng Sjeng
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Re: Bases for HQ figures

In reply to this post by Nuadha
Another good oprion is this: A roll of Strip Magnets - These are obtainable from Home Depot - they cost $5.36 for a 10' roll that is half an inch wide.

Got that from a warhammer blog :) Gonna see if they have such strips here too.
Eager HeroQuest newbie since july 2011 :D
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