BEAN RPG solo adventure

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BEAN RPG solo adventure

Billiam Babble
(Another x-post from the blog)
The Cellars of Castle Cassoulet
(purchased copy)

Solo gamebook writer Sid Orpin teams up with game designer and illustrator Jeff Freels to create...

A solo adventure text which using the D2 based BEAN! system ...  employing 75 sections (plus a page of wandering monsters)



A mere $2! Cheap, silly, witty, love it.

That is all.
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Re: BEAN RPG solo adventure

D2 based system? do elaborate please
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
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Re: BEAN RPG solo adventure

Just getting back into BEAN! this week.

The D2 system involves 3 basic stats (Body, Mind & Spirit, averaging 3 to 4 at starting level) which determine how good you are at stuff.  Your enemies have stats too and traps/puzzles/challenges have difficulty ratings.

To resolve a situation you roll (or otherwise produce) the amount of D2 scores represented by your stats to attain a challenge rating or contest against an enemy stat roll.

How you produce these rolls is up to you.  I am boring so I just roll D6's and keep anything of 4+ but the recommended method is to paint and varnish beans (fitting with the game theme) with +/ - on each side (or 1/0, tick/cross, boo/hooray or whatever you think is most fun in your group).

It is a great fun game, very silly and a good starting point to introduce kids into the hobby.  It is also open-ended enough to make more complex rules if you wanted to.  Tunnels & Trolls creator Ken St. Andre loved the game and has written adventures for it.

Hope this helps.  Give it a go if you fancy something a bit different one day...
Remember, sometimes you roll a one...
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Re: BEAN RPG solo adventure

Eaap!  Just seen how old this thread is.  Hope someone is still reading ;)
Remember, sometimes you roll a one...