Another DotD or gaming day?

Posted by MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
So Day of the Damned went well for our first event I thought

So how about we do something like it again - here's a few comments from the FaceBook page to get the discussion going

Marc Durose: yes... i think there is a lot to learn from saturday and i have no dount the next will be even better!

Robert 'Jericho' Mortimore: Yup or at least another gaming day, I'd be up for trying to set up one day a month that we all try and get together to game or something along those lines.

Marc Messenger: Perhaps if we put in a bit of cash for those who'd have to spend a lot to get here?

ok - discuss !


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Re: Another DotD or gaming day?

I have that cable e_e

Though, the volume of the one at TH seems a bit.. Low
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Re: Another DotD or gaming day?

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