Alternative models

Posted by jogar_t_hutt jogar_t_hutt
has anyone concidered using models from the Mage knight range ? i'm not talking about the little bits but the big stuff i mean its D&D style stuff & yes its done by wizkidz some its badly pre-painted but some of the big stuff looks workable IE gatehouses, towers, dragons ETC but i did see a dwarf steamtank & a troll like thing which mite work WHF or KoW thoughts?


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Fenryz Fenryz
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Re: Alternative models

Ive bought and used several of them, but the quality is very hit-and-miss.
Some figures look great, others like they are fingerpainted by Timmy, 5 year old.

In general Id say you could save a lot of money by buying some of the larger figures, since they are often a lot cheaper compared to similar figures from the D&D line. Just have to rebase them, and thats really easy.

Wotc is planning a new line of figures - and theres also Dreamblade, Heroclick (DC heroes, Marvel, Star Wars - and now Lord of the Ring) - plenty of options.
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: Alternative models

In reply to this post by jogar_t_hutt
Yea I've used a few MageKnight figures to supplement my collection - the scale and proportions of the human sized tends to be hit and miss, but the large monsters are great - I particularly like the Golem and Elemental models.

The fact the miniatures are pre-painted and cast in a horrible rubbery plastic that doesn't take a new coat of paint too well is a pain the arse - but here's a thing you might not know about:

MageKnight Metals by Ral Partha Europe

Yes that's right one of my favourite miniature companies make metal versions of some of the MageKnight range! (Just one of the reasons it's one of my favourites)

While I'm on the subject of MageKnight Miniatures here's a few links to some of the MageKnight and MageKnight Metal from my collection that I've posted on the forum already ...

Nobel Archer

Hydra Serpent

MageKnight Gargoyle

~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: Alternative models

In reply to this post by jogar_t_hutt
... oh and also the basis for my 3D Dungeon is several sets of the Mage Knight 3D Dungeon system ...

~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~