Alien Psykers for Space Crusade

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Alien Psykers for Space Crusade

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What follows are some rules I put together for using a Genestealer Magus and/or a Chaos Space Marine Sorcerer in Space Crusade. The rules are based on those given in White Dwarf 145 for Space Marine Librarians.



Implementation of these rules is fairly simple - The Alien Player shuffles 1 or both of the Blips in with your regular Blips and then picks 1 card of each colour 'suit' for each Alien Psyker being fielded (just like a Marine Player fielding a Librarian). Once an Alien Psyker's Blip has been revealed the Alien Player may use 1 Psyker Power Card per a turn for each Alien Psyker model active on the board.

In addition to this there are some rule clarifications I've written to deal with the new potential of Psyker Vs Psyker combat - I shall amend them to this thread when I can find the document file
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
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Re: Alien Psykers for Space Crusade

I actually have a Magus miniature. I bought him off ebay for 3$ pro painted and eveything. I dont think people realized what it was so no one bid on it lol. I didn't even have any geensteel hybrids and I still snagged him up. this should be helpful hehe thz