Advanced Space Crusade tiles and Cards...?

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Advanced Space Crusade tiles and Cards...?

Hello all,
Great site btw. Fantastic. So glad I found it.

I've been scouring the net to get all the tiles and cards for ASC.   Long story but my set went walkabout a few years ago. I still have my minis and rule book (I kept that upstairs in my bedroom along with all my other rules so they escaped the pilfering)

But I have had a powerful desire of some more nid battling lately.

I have almost all the tiles again. But I still need the cards and a few more tiles.

I did see a site last week that (I think) had a good list with pics (little ones to check my collection so far) but I can't find it again :(

I have heard that there was a torrent years ago for the full set of ASC but I can't see that anywhere either.

I love the tiles on here, they are great.  But I'd still like to have my original set or as close to again.

Any help would be gratefully accepted. :)

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Re: Advanced Space Crusade tiles and Cards...?

No need for this now.  Found everything that I needed by the looks of things tonight.

just in case anyone else needs it...

Cheers :)
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Re: Advanced Space Crusade tiles and Cards...?

Excellent Find!
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~