A word (or several) for 'Da Nose'.......

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A word (or several) for 'Da Nose'.......

Hey dudes and dudettes....... [Dudettes on a wargaming forum.......it could happen........it suppose..... ;) ]

I'm Rob, better known as Axl Nose to some people (especially those that hail from the heady metropolis that is the city of Bath).
Haven't done Wargaming for a few years, but am looking to get back into it. Mainly because my son has just started school. YAY!!! Will more than likely finish off painting and contructing the High Elf army I started back before the Euro was introduced. Yikes!!!
But I am an avid fantasy fan and PC/console gamer. In my time have played and completed every Baldur's Gate game ever released (including expansions) and on every format (including mobile phone would you believe it.) The reason I even bought my Xbox 360 was for Fable 2......just a couple of weeks to go....... :D
I've also been playing tabletop DnD on and off for about 10 years, and did a short 2-3 year stint within that time on Vampire: The Masquerade by White Wolf.
Continuing in the role-play vein, have also been doing LARP (Live-Action Role Play.......like this needs explaining here......) again on and off, but in total for about 7-8 years. I even met my wife at the first LARP event I ever went to. That coupled with having Tolkien Elvish engraved into my wedding ring for me personally must put into some-kind of nerdish geek elite.....LMAO.

But that's enough about me for now. Hopefully chat with you all soon and see ya on the flip-side. :D

Putting the romance back in Necromancy........